Joel 3

“But the Lord will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the people of Israel” (3:16). God reassured His people that even though they were not part of a conquering earthly empire like Assyria, Babylon, or Egypt, they belonged to Him. He saw the plight of their children sold into slavery (3:1-3), and He promised to restore them. They could rely on His justice. Yet their own hearts had to turn to Him, along with “multitudes in the valley of decision” (3:14).

“In that day ... a fountain will flow out of the Lord’s house” (3:18). God is still the refuge of His people. God’s life-giving fountain flows from Christ, the hope of Israel and the whole world.

Joel 1-2

“Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love ...” (2:13). The prophet Joel spoke to a people threatened by terrible invading armies, like locusts that destroy everything. Joel knew that Israel’s sin had caused God’s wrath, and he urged the priests to proclaim a fast and call people to repentance (2:15-17). Whether facing urgent calamity or God’s final judgment (the “day of the Lord”), Joel’s answer was the same: Return to the Lord.

“I will pour out My Spirit in those days” (2:28-32). Joel prophesied not just cataclysmic disaster, but world-changing hope. Through Christ, God’s redeemed people would receive His Spirit, enabling them to take His salvation to the whole earth (Acts 2:17).

Revelation 7

“... there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language ...” (9). John’s next vision depicted an angel holding off destruction until God’s people were “sealed” (1-4). The first were “144,000 from all the tribes of Israel” (a symbolic number), and then John saw a great, mixed “multitude” who had come out of tribulation (9,14). Redeemed and “sealed”, God’s people did not need to fear judgment.

“For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd” (17). Because Jesus is at the center of God’s throne, we do not live in fear of catastrophe or judgment but look forward to His kingdom.

Revelation 6

“Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks” (15). In John’s vision, four horses and riders (including Death) “were given power” (8) to unleash war, famine, and catastrophe on the earth. John’s audience knew that disasters usually fall heavily on the poor, but in this case, “the rich and privileged” also hid from divine judgment (16). In the end, when God appears, everyone faces Him.

John saw “under the altar” the souls of martyrs (9), waiting for God to make things right. One day, the world’s list of winners and losers will be turned upside down, as Christ returns to judge, comfort, and renew His creation.

Psalm 144

“Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle” (1). The psalmist prayed that God would “part the heavens”, come down, and vanquish his enemies (5-7). He and all Israel wanted peace so they could live as God’s people, free from violence, with children like “well-nurtured plants”, provision, and productive work (12-15). Even though the psalmist recognized the brief, fragile nature of human life (3-4), he knew that God cared and was willing to act for His people.

The Lord is still our “loving God” and “deliverer” (2). He gives us strength in the battle so that we can resist temptation, live in peace, and speak courageously for Him (Acts 4:23-31).

Hosea 14

“Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously” (2). Hosea’s book ends with words that provide a pattern for repentance and restoration. He urged the people of Israel to acknowledge that no human leader or empire could be their refuge, and military power was not their salvation: “Assyria cannot save us; we will not mount warhorses” (3). Israel also needed to reject idolatry and false self-sufficiency: “We will never again say ‘Our gods’ to what our own hands have made” (3).

Finally, Hosea called on Israel to throw themselves on the mercy of God. “For in you the fatherless find compassion” (3). God always forgives and restores us when we run to Him. “I will heal their waywardness and love them freely” (4).

Hosea 13

“You are destroyed, Israel, because you are against me, against your helper” (9). The people of Israel had escaped Egypt, crossed the desert, and found a refuge in the Promised Land because of the Lord. “I cared for you in the wilderness, in the land of burning heat” (5). He was Israel’s “helper” - their protection, provision, and guide. Yet their abundance made them forget their need for the true God, and they fell back into idolatry, making elaborate silver idols just like their neighbors (2,6).

“You shall acknowledge no God but me, no Savior except me” (4). We can’t worship God plus anyone or anything else. He alone deliverers us from sin and death (14), and He calls us to exclusive allegiance.

Hosea 12

“The Lord has a charge to bring against Judah ...” (2). Through Hosea, God reminded the people of Judah that their troubled ancestor Jacob wrestled with the angel of God. After years of dishonesty, he “wept and begged for his favor” (3-4), and he encountered God at Bethel. But now, instead of seeking God, Jacob’s descendants were enamored with “lies and violence” and prideful about their wealth (1,8). Hosea urged them to repent and seek God, like Jacob did, and to “maintain love and justice” (6).

“The Lord used a prophet to bring Israel up from Egypt ...” (13). God uses prophets (like Moses and Hosea) to call people out of bondage and back to Himself. He calls us to listen and find freedom.

Hosea 11

“It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; but they did not realize it was I who healed them” (3). Hosea used tender, familial language to describe how God had treated Ephraim/Israel with a father’s love: “When Israel was a child, I loved him” (1). God brought them out of Egypt and “raised” them, yet they sacrificed and burned incense to idols (2). Deeply attached, God grieved over them: “How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel?” (8).

“When he roars, his children will come trembling from the west ...” (11). God grieves over our rebellion and self-destruction. His powerful, sacrificial love keeps “roaring” and calling us home.

Revelation 5

“I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside” (4). John wept because no one on earth was good enough to open the book of God’s great promises; all humanity had failed and forfeited God’s blessings. But one of the elders said “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah ... triumphed” (5). The Lamb, Jesus Christ, can open the scroll because His death “purchased for God” people from all nations (9).

“You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God” (10). We are not shut out from God’s promises, because of Jesus. Through Him we are included, restored, and given a holy purpose.

Revelation 4

“Day and night, they never stop saying, ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come” (8). John’s vision gave courage to believers who had seen their friends jailed and martyred. He saw “a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it” (2). This Someone was blazing with color, surrounded by a rainbow, and worshipped by 24 elders on thrones and spectacular creatures. John heard thunder and saw lightning, punctuated by songs of praise.

“You are worthy, our Lord God ... for you created all things” (13). Amid terrible persecution or ordinary trouble and anxiety, our comfort is that the King of all things - life, death, past, present, and future - holds us in His hands.

Psalm 143

“For your name’s sake, Lord, preserve my life” (11). The psalmist’s cry for help was not only about his own desire to be rescued from trouble. He asked for mercy and God’s powerful intervention in the face of an enemy who was crushing him, so that he could live and follow God. He prayed, “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,” and then, “Show me the way I should go” (8). His prayer, “Rescue me” (9), was accompanied by “Teach me to do your will” (10).

“May your good Spirit lead me on level ground” (10). God wants to lead us on “level ground” so that instead of chaos, we can find the strength and stability to serve Him well.

Hosea 9,10

“Do not rejoice, O Israel… .” Rather than facing their history and decline, Israel wanted to live in denial. Hosea reminded them of two national scandals. In verse 9, he reminded them of the record in Judges 19 of a gang rape by “the men of the city.” In verse 10, he referenced the events of “Baal-peor” from Numbers 25. Their wealth had deceived them (Hos 10:1,2). What hope could Hosea offer the nation?

“Sow with a view to righteousness, reap in accordance with kindness; break up your fallow ground; it is time to seek the Lord until he comes to rain righteousness on you” (10:12). There is still time for us.

Hosea 7,8

Hosea used a series of metaphors and similes to awaken Israel to their sins. Adultery was compared to dough that was rising (7:3-12), the burning in their hearts for sin, as an oven. Ephraim (v8) was called “a cake not turned,” because the opportunities for change, turning over, were past. She was set in her ways. When Israel looked to change, they looked in every way but upward (7:16).

The pillars of society -- government, law, finance and religion -- were corrupt (8:4-8), yet Israel would not change. They had “forgotten their maker and built palaces” (v14). Even as this is written, its contemporary application is inescapable. Our corruption and “palaces” will not escape God’s view of this nation.

Hosea 4-6

Hosea was a contemporary of Isaiah (Hos. 1:1; Is. 1:1). Both were trying to prevent the dissolution and disintegration of Israel that would result from their intentional wickedness. God’s case against Israel included their lack of faithfulness, kindness and knowledge. In the place of these was violence in all its expressions (4:2-4). Idolatry was pervasive; justice was perverted (4:11- 14). God finally told Hosea, “Ephraim is joined to her idols, let her alone (v17). Yet God still cared and was faithful (6:3).

Israel was willing to offer sacrifices, but not willing to change. “His going forth” grace) is still certain as the dawn (6:3} but his expectation of loyalty has not changed.

Revelation 3:14-22

“You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing” (17). The Laodiceans were “lukewarm” (16) and had settled into a comfortable life. Satisfied with their physical comforts and earthly security, they had traded away abundant life with Christ and unknowingly made themselves “wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked” (17). Sadly, they didn’t realize it. Jesus exposed their emptiness because, “those whom I love, I rebuke” (19).

“I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire” (18). The world offers us the illusion of happiness and ease, but this prideful self-sufficiency leads to despair and death. Life with Jesus is real gold, if we will repent and let Him in (20).

Revelation 3:1-13

“You have a reputation for being alive, but you are dead” (1). John throws cold water in the face of the church of Sardis. He admonishes the complacent people to “wake up, remember, and repent” (v2-3), warning them that a day of reckoning will come when Jesus shows up unexpectedly, “like a thief” (3). John’s warning is that spiritual entropy and apathy are real; we must stay on our guard and awake.

“The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white” (4-5). God is not predisposed to write us off easily (5); He wants us to hear His warning (13). He calls us to be attentive to the reality of our soul’s condition, not our reputations, so that we keep walking with Him.

Revelation 2

“I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance ...” (18). John’s prophetic words to the seven churches included encouragement and warnings. The Ephesian believers hated wickedness (2), but they had forgotten the point – love for Jesus Himself (4). Those in Smyrna faced terrible pressure, and their faith remained strong – even to the point of death (10). Those in Pergamum were faithful, but they followed some mistaken teachings (14 15), and others tolerated sexual immorality (20).

“I am he who searches hearts and minds” (23). The Lord’s voice cuts through cultural blind spots, calling us to follow Him even when it costs us. We can risk losing everything because He promises “hidden manna” – what we truly need - and a new name (17).

Psalm 142

“When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who watch over my way” (3). The psalmist knew what it felt like to be burdened by troubles and isolation, to the point of hopelessness. At times, whether or not it was true, he felt like he had “no refuge” and no one who cared for him; no one was concerned that he was near the breaking point (4). But he poured out his complaint before the One who always hears and always responds (1-2).

“You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living” (5). We can run to the Lord, our refuge, knowing that we will find the strength we need. He comforts us and puts us on our feet again.

Hosea 2,3

Israel, in spite of God’s love and faithfulness to her, was insistently unfaithful to God – tantamount to a wife’s being openly and brazenly unfaithful to her husband (2:1-7). She only returned to God when she had needs (v7). God determined to punish her according to her sins. She despised every act of kindness, selling herself to the highest bidder, yet God determined to redeem her. Hosea’s marriage was a mirror of Israel’s behavior; his wife had sold herself. Yet God, to show his determination to redeem Israel, told Hosea to go and buy back his wife (3:1,2).

Peter reminds us that we were bought (1 Peter 1:17-24) at a price that only God would give, “precious blood of a lamb… the blood of Christ. ” Never doubt God’s love, and never take it for granted.