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Home Missions Christmas

  • Northland Cathedral 101 Northwest 99th Street Kansas City, MO, 64155 United States (map)

Northland Cathedral begins its celebration of Christmas, as it should, by giving. We individually and as a church have been blessed and are able to give.
Our tradition is to invite several pastors or ministries, who are struggling for reasons outside of their control, and give them a Christmas. Our guests this year are Justin & Amanda Henry, from Brookfield, Missouri. We will also honor several local ministries.

Adult and children’s classes and services will meet at their normally scheduled times. 

After the 10:45 service, everyone is invited to join us for a wonderful holiday potluck meal. Each family is asked to bring 2 of the following: meat dish, salad, vegetable, or dessert (in disposable pans if possible). The Victory Band will play Christmas favorites.

Throughout this month, we are collecting gifts of non-perishable food items, paper goods, canned goods, and more. Please place items in the containers labeled Home Missions located by the entrances.
