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Home Missions Christmas

  • Northland Cathedral 101 Northwest 99th Street Kansas City, MO, 64155 United States (map)

December of each year begins one of Northland Cathedral's most cherished traditions when we bless several local ministries. Throughout November, we will be communicating the needs of each ministry and asking groups to commit to meeting those needs.

During the month of November, we’re collecting canned and paper goods for our guests. For a detailed list, see the brochure in the bulletin.

This year, our guests are Marvin and Angie Daniels of the Hope Center in Kansas City and Nathan and Carol Geesey, who pastor in Vandalia, Missouri.
On Sunday, December 2, we will meet our guests in the morning services. Following the services, we will have a reception in their honor in the Gym as we enjoy music from the Victory Band. We are asking each family to bring a dessert to share: cookies, bars or brownies. Plan now to be part of this festive occasion.

Earlier Event: December 1
Christmas Breakfast of Champions
Later Event: December 9
NC Kids' Christmas Live