Job 30-31

“Is not calamity for the unrighteous, and disaster for the workers of iniquity?” (v3). Job assumed that God saw everything and judged rightly; therefore, he wondered why he was being “punished” like an evildoer.  Job helped the poor (31:16,19), stayed faithful to his wife (31:1,9), didn’t worship the sun or moon (31:26-27), and didn’t rejoice at his enemy’s downfall (31:29).  If trying to follow the right path resulted in disaster, was following God worth it? Was God’s justice truly just?

“Does not he see my ways and number all my steps?” (v4).  We see “in part,” through a dim mirror, but God sees clearly.  We can trust His perfect love, even when our understanding fails (I Cor 13:9-12).