Genesis 13-14
/“Lift up your eyes and look ... for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever” (13:14). After Abram’s disastrous attempt to find help in Egypt, he returned to Canaan, “to the place where he had made an altar at the first” (13:4). After Abram and Lot separated, God reminded Abram that He would give him the land (13:11,17). Later, after rescuing Lot from Canaanite kings, Abram met the priest-king Melchizedek. Rather than grasping for more, Abram tithed to Melchizedek and received blessing (14:17-24).
“Blessed be Abram by God Most High ...” (14:19). God’s hand on Abram mattered more than powerful allies, the best land, or titles. His desire was for Abram to trust Him.