II Kings 20-21

“He took the carved Asherah pole he had made and put it in the temple ...” (21:7). King Manasseh of Judah rejected the righteous example of his father Hezekiah. He worshipped idols, and he even set up their pagan altars in Jerusalem’s temple, the place where God had said “I will put my Name” (21:4,7). King Manasseh shed “innocent blood” and the people followed him into idolatry, (21:16), leading the prophets to declare that Judah too would be defeated and exiled (21:12-15).

“In this temple ... I will put my Name forever” (21:7). We are not worthy, but God’s desire is to be with us. Through Jesus, he purifies us from our idolatry so that his Spirit can dwell among us.